Experience Sikhi volunteers

About us

Every Sikh should have the opportunity to achieve professional success. We aim to contribute to the growth of the community’s youth and develop Panth-focused professionals who abide by the teachings of the Sikh Gurus.

Sikhia Mentor Database

An online platform which connects students with mentors across Ontario. Searchable by career and location, the database eliminates barriers to success and enables Sikhs to quickly access guidance for whichever profession they choose to pursue.

SIKHIA mentor database
Experience Sikhi mentorship program

Sikhia Career Development Retreat

Sikhia is a career-development retreat for Sikh youth between the ages of 17 and 26. Since 2017, the retreat has equipped Sikh youth with the tools and resources they need to become outstanding students, employees, business owners, and community members.

Experience Sikhi Scholarship

We are excited to announce the launch of two academic awards: The Sant Gurbachan Singh Ji Bhindranwale Scholarship ($5000) and the Kavi Santokh Singh Ji Scholarship ($5000)!

Inspired by their poetic masterpieces, the Kavi Santokh Singh Ji Scholarship will be awarded to the poem that best depicts the shaheedi and legacy of Shaheed Bhai Jaswant Singh Ji Khalra.

Inspired by their wealth of knowledge and Parchar of Gurmat and Gurbani, the Sant Giani Gurbachan Singh Ji Scholarship will be awarded to the best Arth (meanings) of a Shabad.

Sikh community
Experience Sikhi career development

Sikhia Talks

A platform for Sikh entrepreneurs, artists, academics, and professionals to share their passion, stories, and experiences with the community. Inspired by GNA Talks in BC, Sikhia Talks take a dive into the successes of fellow Sikhs and encourage the exchange of diverse perspectives.

Sikhia Workshops

A series of workshops dedicated to helping Sikh students get ahead and achieve their professional goals. This includes mock exams, resume and cover letter critiques, mock interviews, financial literacy workshops, and more.

SIKHIA workshops

Support our goals!

Experience Sikhi is a charity dedicated to the success and prosperity of Sikhs across Canada.Whether it’s spiritual growth, career success, or community empowerment, we strive daily to see our Panth realize its limitless potential.

By donating today, you will ensure that we can continue offering the quality events and services which only your support make possible.

Experience Sikhi banquet

Book a speaker

For Sikhi talks, workshops, or discussions, at your school, workplace, or events, don’t hesitate to reach out to Experience Sikhi.
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